Saturday, July 1, 2017

Art Investment - the most cost effective way of buying and selling art

We search for art for  retained clients, then find out if the owner would be willing to sell the art. if the owner is willing to sell the art we then set up a viewing and the buyer must be pre qualified before the viewing, this enables the buyer and seller to do a deal at the end of the viewing.

We save the seller auction fees by only charging a sellers premium of 5% and we save the buyer auction fees by only charging a buyers premium of 5%. If the painting was put into a traditional gallery the gallery would take between 15-50%.

We are the most cost effective way of buying and selling private treaty art in the world. With a number of important paintings and  private  collections acquired for clients in confidence.

We only deal with qualified clients.

How do I get qualified?

Simply instruct your lawyer and put your lawyer into a position where you have confirmed your funding capability to your lawyer  so he can confirm your discretionary funding held in your bank account for acquiring a certain work of art.

We only deal with qualified art brokers.

How do I become a qualified art broker?

Send your resume and a list of the paintings you have sold in the last 36 months.

For a qualified art search we do the first search for free and then charge £2,500 for an art search. This art search is very valuable to the client as he is getting to view paintings that are not on the open market and in some cases have been hanging on the owners wall for many years.

We advise all owners to make sure they get their art valued and are happy with the price they have been offered.

We have a list of experts for each artist  that the buyer can hire to inspect the painting on their behalf.

All transactions are closed directly between the seller and buyers lawyers, with the sellers lawyer giving a declaration of ownership and the buyers lawyer confirming the funding discretion available.

Avoid long unqualified broker chains and wild goose chases, and buyers who do not have their funding in place and save on your buyer premium when you contract exclusively with Beyond Art Gallery to find the art you are looking for.

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